1915 Reunion in Front of San Juan High School

San Juan High School 1915

Helpful Reunion Tips!

No two reunions are alike but every reunion requires upfront planning to be successful

The Big Picture
It will be natural to think of the many, many details that go into reunion planning …

How do we form a reunion committee?
Start by forming a core local team of dedicated and enthusiastic individuals who are willing to go the extra mile to ensure a successful reunion …

When do we start? … How often should we meet? … Read the Full Article

San Juan High School CLASS REUNIONS

REUNION PLANNING – February 2019

Dick Cowan, ‘64

The news is pretty consistent that reunions planned for 2020 are being postponed.

If you are planning a reunion the same time next year, we recommend you reserve your venue, hotel, or club early, as it appears there will twice as many reunions competing for the same spots. I hope the classes planning for 2021 reunions have started. Please send me any information you can share.

The following class reunions are underway and committee members would appreciate hearing from their classmates. If you are just beginning your effort, we have a support team that can offer places, experiences with different caterers, and advice on what has worked and not worked. We can help with advertising in the newsletter, our website, and Facebook page. We can also make the Legacy Exhibit available. Please email me your reunion details so we can share with our readers.

We have been told about 3 different places in Roseville to hold reunions: Roseville Elks Lodge (916-783-4515), Randy Peters Catering and Event Center (916-726-2339) and Morgan Creek Golf Course (916-786-4653).

Contact Jerry Still, ‘60 for Legacy Exhibit Tours & San Juan School Tours!
And to donate memorabilia to the Legacy Exhibit 

San Juan High School

1950 – To discuss reunion plans, call Carol Logan Weber at (916) 710-1954.
1955 – Is considering reunion options. To offer ideas, contact Janet McWilliams at (916) 961-9012; jnetmcwilliams@comcast.net
1960 – Postponed its reunion. For more information, contact Jerry Still at (916) 725- 2069; whiskeystill@comcast.net
1965 – Rescheduled for September 18, 2021. Information available on the class web site at sjhs65.com.
1970 – Reunion postponed. Contact Jeff Sinclair to offer ideas for next year. (916) 780- 0951; jajgs.surewest.net@outlook.com
1980Ray Riehle hosted a reunion at his house on September 12th, 2020. Contact Ray at info@aapplied.com or (916) 217-7162.
1995 – Rescheduled for June 26, 2021. Contact Angela Fear Draper at (919) 440-2197.
2000 – Postponed its reunion until 2021. Contact David Fear Jr. at (916) 759-4924 or davidfearjr@fearcorp.com.
2015 – Reunion organizing in progress. Contact David Johnson at (916) 257-6300 or djdavion22@gmail.com.

NEW Class of ’74 Reunion web page 
NEW Class of ’59 Reunion web page

CLASS OF 2006: Facebook page: www.facebook.com/groups/509684489208985/?ref=browser

CLASS OF 2001: Facebook page: www.facebook.com/groups/117240864963555/

CLASS OF 1996: FACEBOOK page: www.facebook.com/groups/1731702720381581/

CLASS OF 1991: FACEBOOK page: www.facebook.com/groups/132529480125555/?ref=browser

CLASS OF 1986:  FACEBOOK page: www.facebook.com/groups/SanJuanHighClassOf1986/

CLASS OF 1981: FACEBOOK page: www.facebook.com/groups/SanJuanClassOf1981/?ref=browser

CLASS OF 1977: FACEBOOK page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SanJuanClassOf1977/ 

CLASS OF 1976: FACEBOOK page: www.facebook.com/groups/SanJuanClassOf1976/

CLASS OF 1971: FACEBOOK page: www.facebook.com/groups/147040305365048/

CLASS OF 1966:  FACEBOOK page: www.facebook.com/groups/SanJuanHighClassOf1966/ 

CLASS OF 1961: Contact Perry Padrta 971-998-3502 or Annette Chappell Sansing 916-990-0450.

CLASS OF 1959: Contact Denis Elliott, (916) 965-9689, email: ncaasus@gmail.com; or Chuck “Mickey” Simpson, (209)712-6550 or text chucksimpson123@sbcglobal.net

CLASS OF 1957: Contacts for more information: Robert Young (916) 408-4083 or Lillian Kolbo Perry (916) 332-7647.

CLASS OF 1956: Contact Myron Howe at (916)-988-3234.