San Juan Alumni Association – PRESIDENT 

Larry Fritz SJAA President








Larry Fritz ’73
SJAA President

(916) 802-7241 

2024 September Newsletter – Message from the President

Hello Spartan Alums, as we round third base, headed into the final stretch of 2024, it’s been a great year of scholarship awards, an awesome alumni breakfast, spine-tingling hand-car races, bowling and more. But the year is not over. And we need your help. Pat Schmidt, ‘68 has faithfully recorded SJAA meeting minutes for eleven years. As Pat moves on to other SJAA responsibilities, we need someone to fill her shoes. Did you get a “C” or better in English at San Juan? Can you attend 4 meetings a year? Contact Pat via email or me via email if you are interested. 

Some of you have multi-year memberships. If you’re not sure how long your dues are paid for, our Treasurer, Gayle (Rasmussen) Gaylord, ’64 can help you. Are you tired of mailing in a check every year to renew your membership? Maybe it’s time to renew your membership online. You can renew for one year or, better yet, choose “auto renew” so your membership re-news automatically each year. This would make both Gayle and our Financial Secretary, Rich Giusti, ’65 happy, too. Rich is the one who sends out reminder cards when people forget to renew.

Paying dues and making donations online also allows you to see all of your your past donations and membership dues. It’s easy to do. Just go to the main homepage of the SJAA website and follow the prompts. If you have any questions or need help, contact our Webmaster, Rick Engvall, ‘73 via email 

Thanks for your attention. Rich and Gayle thank you too.