President’s Report – SJAA Newsletter  – April 2023







Dee (Worthington) Peacock, ‘64
(916) 944-3865

First of all, a BIG THANK YOU to all who donated to our re-cent campaign in helping us to continue to work on opportunities to raise more funds for operational expenses. What a great response and it will help us immeasurably to support our ongoing work for SJHS and our students.

This has been a very busy start to the new year. We are updating policy and procedures, reviewing our bylaws and working towards a change in the organization for more volunteers. The work is easy and working with fel-low alums brings many great SJHS stories and laughter. How about you????

The SJAA Scholarship Committee has embarked on their efforts towards this year scholarship awardees. What a great group of students in the line-up – all B+ or better, just such a testimony to their hard work. Without you, this important work would not be possible. Thank you for caring and for recognizing that our students deserve your support.

Just a quick reminder, the 2023 All Class picnic is scheduled for October 7, 2023. Plan to attend at Rusch Park that day. More information will become available on our website:, our Facebook page and our fall newsletter in September.

At the end of this article, we have information on upcoming Board meetings. As members, you are always welcome to attend. If you can’t, our Secretary, Pat Schmid, can ar-range for you to attend via Zoom. We are al-ways eager to have new voices, new ideas, and your thoughts about what you would like to see the SJAA do for you, for students, for faculty, or whatever, just let us know.

Once again, thank for all your support. No other school except Grant Union in the Sacramento area has an alumni association. Your support means everything to us to keep this 40+ year organization going. We appreciate each of you.

A message from our Past President of the San Juan Alumni Association, Dick Cowan

[arve url=”” mode=”normal” title=”Dick Cowan SJAA President” description=”Welcome Message from Dick Cowan SJAA President”/]