San Juan Alumni Association

You are invited to the 2nd Annual Alumni Breakfast

Saturday, May 10th from 9:00am – 11:00am
San Juan Culinary Art Program Building
(directions / map below)


San Juan Remodel Project
2025 SJAA Scholarships
Girls’ Baseball Field Renovation

Enjoy a buffet breakfast prepared by students in San Juan’s award-winning Culinary Arts Program
Relax in the modern, elegant San Juan Restaurant. Revel the company of fellow San Juan alums.
Learn about what San Juan is like today and tour their state-of-the-art commercial kitchen and bakery.

$15 / per person SJAA members
$20 / per person non-members

We ask that attendees pay in advance so we know how much food to prepare.

… OR …
Send check to:
“San Juan Alumni Association”
PO Box 103, Citrus Heights, CA 95611

San Juan High School Culinary Arts Building

San Juan High School
Culinary Arts Program
Awesome Building 
Kitchen / Classrooms / Cafe!

Image San Juan High Scholl Culinary 2016 Champions

San Juan High School
Culinary Arts Program
2016 National Winners!

Image Culinary Arts Building

Culinary Arts Program
Beautiful Dining Room Interior

San Juan High School
7551 Greenback Ln, Citrus Heights, CA 95610

From front of San Juan High School
Turn onto Mariposa Ave. (next to Stadium)
At end of stadium turn left into SJHS parking area
Culinary Arts Building is right of Boys Gym, behind swimming pool. 

San Juan High School Culinary Arts Building