The Decade of the 1980’s 

The 1980’s decade saw great socioeconomic change due to advances in technology and the beginning of globalization. As economic liberalization increased in the developed world, multiple multinational corporations associated with the manufacturing industry relocated into Thailand, Mexico, South Korea, Taiwan, and China. Japan and West Germany saw large economic growth during this decade. The AIDS epidemic became recognized in the 1980’s and has since killed an estimated 39 million people (as of 2013). Global warming became well known to the scientific and political community in the 1980’s.  People born in the 1980’s are usually classified along with those born in the 1990’s as the “Millennial” generation. Developing countries across the world faced economic and social difficulties as they suffered from multiple debt crises in the 1980’s, requiring many of these countries to apply for financial assistance from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. Read more about the 80’s on Wikipedia

Graduates of the 80’s who are no longer with us…

Class of 1986 Steve Suranyi 1968 – Jan 26,2016 Survived by his brother Michael. Steve’s aversion to doctors and hospitals made it difficult to convince him to seek proper medical help. Unfortunately, by the time it was agreed on, for all intents and purposes, too little too late. A remembrance of life is in the planning stages and will be announced at a later date. Heartfelt thanks to everyone who tried to help prevent this outcome. Though he may have been stubborn, I know he appreciated it. He will be greatly missed. Information provided on the San Juan High School-San Juan Alumni Association-Citrus Heights, CA Facebook page.